Using mogrt in premiere
Using mogrt in premiere

using mogrt in premiere

In Premiere Pro, we're going to be focusing on basically like the source text, the logo fill and the background fill, putting them in our central graphics panel and exporting them as a new more Mogrt file. So we're gonna be taking properties from our file over here and we're going to be putting them together in a different file that can be opened and edited over and over. And so if you're wondering what that is, a Mogrt file is a motion graphics template we'll be making a reusable template for each and prepare pro. And in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make a MoGirt file on Adobe After Effects. Hey, guys, this is Tziporah Zions for Noble Desktop.

  • In the Edit tab of the Essential Graphics panel, adjust the Source Text, Opacity, and Fill Color as desired.
  • Drag the Scissors template onto the Sequence.
  • In the Keywords bar, type in a few search terms, so it’s easier to find the template later.
  • Choose a save location for the template.
  • In the Essential Graphics panel, click Export Motion Graphics Template.
  • Add the Opacity property to the Essential Graphics panel.
  • Now toggle open the Transform effect on the scissors layer.
  • using mogrt in premiere

  • Click and drag the Fill Color property to the Essential Graphics panel.
  • Toggle open the Fill Effect on the scissors layer.
  • Repeat steps 5-7 on the tagline layer, naming this group “tagline text.”.
  • Put all the Main Text properties into the Main Text Group.
  • In the Essential Graphics panel, in the lower left corner dropbox, navigate to Add Group.
  • Right-click on Main Text’s Source Text and hit Add Property to Essential Graphics.
  • Open up the Essential Graphics panel from Window > Essential Graphics.
  • Need to create a team-wide graphics template, or an editable title card? Learn how in this tutorial from Noble Desktop! Scissors logo from #mograph #mogrt #motiongraphics #nobledesktop #aetuts #aetutorials Adding in Properties

    using mogrt in premiere

    Mogrt files are a super fast way to create reusable, adjustable templates for use in video projects. Need to create a team-wide graphics template, or an editable title card? Learn how in this tutorial from Noble Desktop!

    Using mogrt in premiere