You will drive it and pass many milestones indicated by green lights. The steps to diagnosing a problem vehicle will usually stem from a test drive of the vehicle. So you will spend your time searching for high-quality parts and replacing the problematic ones. Simultaneously, they will be damaged on the outside and the inside of the engine, and other components. You will be the owner of a garage, so it is entirely understandable that your job is to repair the different cars brought to the garage.

In the Car Mechanic Simulator 21, players will experience exciting but equally challenging gameplay because of the detail it brings.

At the same time, your experience will always change during the game because many things that you can do and many different types of cars with different designs will appear before your eyes. There will be many types of vehicles appearing in your garage, and your job is to make them like new and earn an impressive profit. Car Mechanic Simulator 21 is a simulation game where the player will act as a car mechanic and repair any vehicle.